Lovely picture of the small bird Kingfisher sitting on the branch of a tree, in a animated live Wallpaper. People called it Kingfisher, and all because these birds nest in the nature in sandy-clay banks along rivers, lakes and ponds. The bird itself is small, slightly larger than a Sparrow, playful and very beautiful. The color of the feathers of its back, wings and head all over shimmer palette blue and the abdomen bright orange. Whitish, sides of neck and throat make it even more elegant. Animated colorful feathers our developers have enlivened the picture. In the settings of our live Wallpapers, you yourself choose the number, speed and direction, when you download it to your smartphone or tablet. It installed quickly and efficiently, without a single defect. On your device will occupy a minimum of space. The application is energy saving, has passed all testing on the most devices and completely free. Feature of our Wallpapers will tap on animated feather. The flipping of the screen as well pleasantly surprise you. Download our live Wallpaper Bird Feathers touch the wildlife. This charming painted bird is perfectly arranged for your gadget and will not leave you indifferent.
Image taken by the license: CC0 Public Domain
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Image has been edited.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">gambar yang indah daripada burung kecil Kingfisher duduk di atas dahan pokok, menikmati Wallpaper sebenar animasi. Orang memanggilnya Kingfisher, dan semua kerana burung-burung bersarang di alam semula jadi di bank berpasir tanah liat di sepanjang sungai, tasik dan kolam. Burung sendiri adalah kecil, lebih besar sedikit daripada yang Sparrow, suka bermain dan sangat cantik. Warna bulu belakang, sayap dan kepala seluruh palet berkilau biru dan oren terang abdomen. Putih, belah leher dan tekak menjadikannya lebih elegan. Animasi berwarna-warni bulu pemaju kami telah dimeriahkan gambar. Dalam tetapan Wallpaper hidup kami, anda sendiri memilih bilangan, kelajuan dan arah, apabila anda memuat turun ke telefon pintar atau tablet anda. Ia dipasang dengan cepat dan cekap, tanpa kecacatan tunggal. Pada peranti anda akan menduduki sekurang-kurangnya ruang. Permohonan itu penjimatan tenaga, telah lulus semua ujian pada peranti yang paling dan benar-benar percuma. Ciri Wallpaper kami akan menggunakan bulu animasi. The Melibas skrin serta gembira akan mengejutkan anda. Muat turun secara langsung Feathers Wallpaper Bird kami menyentuh hidupan liar. Ini burung dicat menawan sempurna diatur untuk alat anda dan tidak akan meninggalkan anda acuh tak acuh.
Imej yang diambil oleh lesen: CC0 Public Domain
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